Catholic Bros
John is excited to embark on a new project: a long-anticipated collaboration with The Catholic Brothers as a contributor to their “Upon Review” segment of film and music analysis.

The Catholic Brothers is the brainchild of John’s first cousins, Daniel and Steven Alspach, who have lived an inspiring journey of faith that led them from “cradle Catholicism,” to evangelical protestantism, to the Anglican Church, to the Eastern Church, and finally back to Roman Catholicism. As students of theology and the early church, their youthful but commanding insight into the origins of Catholicism affords a fascinating perspective on how the Catholic Church has changed–but also, more compelling, how it has remained the same for 2,000 years.

The channel offers four areas of focus:
1) Dialogues – organic, unscripted conversations between Daniel and Steven about various theological topics
2) Interviews – visiting priests, professors, or field experts that can share their unique perspectives
3) Travel – journeying to religious destinations and pilgrimages in the US and abroad
4) Film/Music – discussing new and classic media; exploring craft and messaging through an artistic, spiritual, and philosophical lens

This partnership is a very personal accomplishment for John–the result of countless splendid hours with his cousins around the fire, sharing fine bourbon and tobacco; challenging each other in the arenas of spiritual and cultural philosophy. It is their hope that their collective experiences and backgrounds provide an engaging outlet for authentic Catholic thinking, relating it to our dynamic culture and our every day lives.

The first episode of “Upon Review” can be seen here. Please be sure to like the video and subscribe to The Catholic Brothers channel. You can also follow them on social media:

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