Schola Cantorum of St. John XXIII Parish proudly presents their new album:
Resurrexit Sicut Dixit!This is the second album for the schola, featuring 20 tracks of Gregorian chant and polyphonic sacred motets from Lent and Easter. The compositions date as far back as the Medieval era, and as recent as the 21st century, showcasing a tremendous variety of influence and style. The album is a meditative journey through the penance of Lent, starting with the introspective text of pieces like Parce Domine (“Spare Your people, O Lord”) and Anima Christi (“Soul of my Savior”). The sorrowful Passion of Christ is beautifully recalled through chants and motets of Holy Week, such as Ubi Caritas (“Where there is charity and love”) and Velum Templi (“The veil in the temple was torn in two”). The Missa Brevis in F by Palestrina illustrates the perpetuation of Christ’s same sacrifice through the Holy Mass, leading to the quiet triumph of that early Easter morning, and the declaration of Christ’s victory over death in the Victimæ Paschali sequence (“Hail, Paschal Victim”) and O Filii et Filiæ (“O sons and daughters”). The journey ends in rejoicing for the redemption of mankind through Christ’s Resurrection with motets such as Regina Cæli (Rejoice, O Queen of Heaven) and Cantate Domino (“Sing to the Lord a new song”).
In the same fashion as the schola’s first recording, Christum Natum Adoremus, this second album is available from Amazon, or electronically wherever digital music is sold (iTunes, Spotify, etc). These methods of internet distribution are an exciting way to share the glorious music of the Latin Mass with the entire world!
Once again partnering with Treelady Studios, the schola recorded with lead engineer Dave Hidek at St. Ambrose Church on Spring Hill in Pittsburgh. Mixing was provided by Daniel Carballal, and mastering by Garrett Haines. Many thanks to them, and to everyone from Treelady for their continued support and collaboration. In addition, a special thanks goes to Father James Dolan, pastor of St. John XXIII Parish, and to the management and staff of Holy Wisdom Parish.
Please check out some sample tracks from the album here, and be sure to purchase a copy if you like what you hear! Thank you for your support!
Hello brother! I am a schola member of St. Francis De Sales Oratory in Sulphur, Louisiana. Would you be so generous as to share the sheet music for Parce Domine in your album? It moved my soul deeply and I hope that you would allow me to share it with my schola director in hopes that it will move many more souls. Thank you for your time and God bless you. Pax!
John Rokosz
Hi Clinton, thank you for your kind words. I’ll be happy to reach out to you privately and share the arrangement. Greetings from the north to you and the Oratory in Louisiana!
Nathan Reich
Good afternoon. Might I ask where the parish is that the Schola Cantorum is/was based out of ? The Schola Cantorum link above appears to no longer be active.
John Rokosz
Hi Nathan, thanks for letting me know. Our schola recorded our two albums under our former parish name. We have since been established at Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish in Pittsburgh, PA, under the pastoral care of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Here is our parish website, through which you can also access the Institute’s main homepage: