As the 2024 film festival circuit draws to a close, White Ball Productions took home their most significant award yet. Over Veterans Day weekend this November, Grandpa and Shorty was honored as the Best Narrative Feature in the 2024 Veterans Film Festival in Los Angeles!
The Veterans Film Festival is made possible by the San Francisco-based OneVet OneVoice non-profit organization. OneVet OneVoice is run by a team of U.S. veterans, assisting their fellow veterans with access to health care, education, housing, and employment. This year’s film festival was hosted at the Bob Hope Patriotic Hall in downtown LA and showcased 50 films, all spotlighting veterans in the form of documentaries, shorts, and narrative features.
The White Ball team traveled to Los Angeles for the event, and was able to participate in great networking opportunities while taking in several excellent films throughout the 2-day program. The award ceremony was on Friday November 15th, and Katie Clouser (White Ball’s Chief Financial Officer) proudly accepted the certificate and trophy on the team’s behalf. White Ball Productions is grateful to the festival’s director, Tyler Little, and the entire festival team for their ongoing support of filmmaking that shares meaningful stories about the lives, struggles, and triumphs of United States military veterans.
Looking back through 2024, Grandpa and Shorty has seen wonderful success. In addition to two successful Pittsburgh screenings and this most recent film festival win, the film was honored by eight film festivals across the United States. Most significantly, it was named as a finalist in the Austin Lift-Off Festival, semi-finalist in the Freedom Festival International, and nominee for Best Military Feature at the Las Vegas International Festival. Looking ahead to 2025, the White Ball team will be focusing on marketing and distribution. The film’s trailer is slated for an early 2025 delivery, and White Ball has already engaged in discussions with two interested distributors. Please consider joining White Ball’s mailing list to stay connected with significant news stories like these throughout the film’s journey!
In closing, please have a safe and joyful Christmas and holiday season. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates as they unfold in the new year!

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